TelePsychiatry, Telemedicine In Florida & Wyoming

Overall Wellness Coaching


I’ve discovered that although psychotropic medications prove effective for many patients, they may not be the ideal solution for everyone. I strongly believe that genuine healing involves addressing the entirety of the patient’s well-being.

I develop personalized treatment strategies that may encompass medication management, nutraceuticals, and plant-based remedies, alongside considerations for therapy and mind-body medicine interventions.

Together, we’ll collaborate on crafting a comprehensive plan that merges conventional medical approaches with integrative methods to facilitate your journey toward improved mental health and regain control over your well-being.

My Treatment Modalities

Medication Management

The focus isn’t on excluding medication; rather, it’s about finding the most suitable medication regimen that promotes your well-being while minimizing undesirable side effects. Additionally, I can assist you in reducing reliance on medication by incorporating holistic approaches to provide supplementary support.

Lab Testing 

Functional lab testing examines various aspects of your body’s functioning, such as hormone levels and nutrient deficiencies, offering clues to what might be contributing to your symptoms.

Genetic testing can uncover genetic variations related to mental health conditions, guiding us in developing personalized interventions and lifestyle adjustments. By incorporating these tests into your care, we can gain a deeper understanding of your mental health and work together to find the most effective solutions for your well-being.

Mind- Body Approaches

Mindfulness encourages present-moment awareness, helping you observe and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Aromatherapy utilizes scents from essential oils to promote relaxation and mood regulation.

Breathwork techniques can calm the nervous system and enhance emotional resilience.

Meditation cultivates inner peace and clarity, fostering a sense of balance and well-being.


 Drawing from various therapeutic modalities including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Spiritual Psychotherapy and Interpersonal Therapy, I tailor my approach to suit your individual needs. Rather than becoming overwhelmed by technical terms, rest assured that my primary goal is to attentively listen to your narrative and equip you with practical tools to comprehend yourself better and break free from detrimental patterns.

Lifestyle Coaching

Even the most effective medication regimen may fall short if your sleep, nutrition, or exercise routines fail to support your mental health. Implementing changes in habits can be daunting, but I’m here to guide you through incremental steps that will yield significant positive outcomes.

My Appointments

I am currently accepting new patients via Telehealth in Florida and Wyoming

FREE Consultation

I offer a free 15-minute consultation phone call to learn more about each other and to discuss whether we might be a good fit. If you’d like to book a consultation, call with me, click here.

Initial Evaluation and Follow-up

This appointment will last between 1.5-2 hours. We will spend time getting to know you and your current struggles, we will discuss your relationships, lifestyle habits, health history, and previous care.

At the end we will discuss recommendations which might include medications, labs tests, recommendation on nutrition, sleep, movement, supplements, and psychotherapy. I may coordinate care with your family, PCP/OB GYN, Gastroenterologist and therapist.




We will check in about previous recommendations and discuss medications and other brief integrative approaches. We will discuss additional recommendations.




We will check in about previous recommendations, and discuss medications, integrative approaches, and psychotherapy. We will discuss additional recommendations.

Intake Appointment for Adults


90 Minutes

A comprehensive initial interview will be conducted with adults to discuss issues associated with symptoms of mental health conditions. With your agreement, I will develop an individualized treatment plan that is tailored to their needs, including therapy, medication history, lab testing, and integrative methods.

Intake Family Group Session- Appointment Child/Adolescent and Parents

Prices varies

2 hours

A comprehensive initial session will be held with your family members (children and parents) together, or, as preferred, children or parents will discuss issues privately before everyone gathers. Collaboration will be carried out with you and your loved ones to establish an individualized approach that is tailored appropriately for positive outcomes, including therapy, medication history, lab testing, and integrative methods.

Some Patients Reviews-

Names were changed to maintain privacy


“Thank you for all the assistance you provide in the community; one of my Church members told me about you, and I am grateful for your help.”
— May, 58-year-old patient

“You listened to my needs and didn’t limit my treatment options to only medication; I am ready to start treatment without fear of side effects- highly recommended.”
—Victoria, 21-years-old patient

“The treatment regimen you provided is working; I feel energetic have an improved mood- I told my cousin to make an appointment to see you.”
—John, 45-year-old patient

“My son is doing much better since he started following your medication regimen- he is more focus and his grades have improved.”
— Barbara (parent) of 10-year-old patient

Payment & Billing

Please note that as a cash-pay provider I do not accept insurance, however, I can provide a superbill for you to submit if you have out-of-network benefits in your plan.

By eliminating the restrictions of insurance companies, I can provide a more personalized service and spend quality time with you without being rushed.

Ready to Start?

Please use the link below to schedule your free consultation call.

I look forward to speaking with you soon!


Telepsychiatry, Telemedicine in Florida, New Mexico, Washington State, & Wyoming

Embrace Your Serenity

Don’t Stress – Call YES

Yes in Psychiatry